Team Member

Vian Meijerink

Technical CRM


About Vian

It’s fascinating what tools and automation can do for your brand. Consistency, data-driven decision making, efficiency, innovation, improved customer experience, just to name a few. Ultimately it drives growth and the success of your business in today’s competitive market.

And it’s what kept me quite busy over the past ten years. I am an expert in marketing automation and email marketing. I help you optimise your workflow and get the most out of your campaigns. I draw upon my background in business analysis, to come up with clever and creative solutions, an analytical perspective and excellent project management. 

After business hours

Beautiful landscapes, sunshine and white, sandy beaches, make me thrive. Therefore, I’ve set myself up with an ideal work-life balance: I spend winters in Bali and summers in Amsterdam. In my spare time, I like all kinds of sports, photography and travelling.